0.69.6 - General + Tutorial Hotfixes

A set of fixes have been released for Keepsake County, which fixes some minor visual bugs and some longtime, annoying gameplay bugs:

General Fixes

  • Window lock icon has been moved to the bottom center of the window, to reduce player confusion with the addition of curtains
  • Garage lock icon has been moved to the bottom center of the door, to reduce player confusion in trying to unlock the garage while standing up
  • New yards generally use Risograph texture technique to color them
  • Fixed interaction between player's interaction range and being able to throw an object when near a wall. Dropping/throwing picked up objects should be much easier now across the board.
  • Fixed basements not using the new staircase variants
  • Moved the Tie icon higher on NPCs to not clip with their head sprites
  • Fixed refrigerator doors clipping through walls when opened
  • Fixed sorting issues with sprites and the new skyboxes for Ozarks and Badlands
  • Fixed being able to eat Paper Towels for health
  • Fixed AI not really triggering the garage door to open when walking through
  • Updated tying tooltips to say "click to tie"
  • Moved the open position on the Bathroom Crawlspace door to no longer clip through the toilet
  • Fixed the awful, dreaded "carried item slowly moving downwards till it disappeared through the ground" bug. Items should now stay firmly in player hands till thrown.

Trucker Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where players always got the hot item penalty upon exiting

Tutorial Fixes/Changes

  • Moved a spotlight over the wire, to communicate that the power has been cut
  • Shortened and rephrased some tutorial nodes about tying and armed NPCs
  • Added another invisible wall to the rooftops to prevent exit via ladder
  • Swapped the attics back out for more open dormer ceilings
  • NPCs calling on the phone no longer spawn the cops out of sequence
  • The starting door always starts fully locked, to reduce confusion by first-time players
  • A second dog no longer spawns next to the guard dog, to prevent preliminary alert in the first area while the player is still on the porch.


Beta-0.69.6.zip 1.4 GB
Version 28 May 25, 2024

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